Where’s Stanton Park, released in 1990, is a showcase of bands that were either directly associated with or existed in a similar musical orbit with the label. Sort of a snapshot of where Stanton Park was in 1990. Because there were many excellent bands in Boston at the time, it was quite the chore to pick just these 12 tracks from the dozens being considered.
While the majority of the material falls in the garage/punk realm, several tracks lean towards a more “alternative” sound; a signpost to where Stanton Park wanted to go. From the Ramones meet Pebbles of the Voodoo Dolls and 8 Balls to the psychedelic excursions of Drumming on Glass and Medicine Ball to the noisy melange of Green Magnet School, this collection covers a lot of musical territory collecting the best possible (mostly exclusive) song from each band.
Several bands (Voodoo Dolls, Medicine Ball, Johnny and the Jumpercables, Willie Alexander and the Four Commandments) released records on Stanton Park either before or after this compilation. Others (Bulkhead, Drumming on Glass, Green Magnet School) found success with labels big and small (Shimmey Disc, Aurora, Sub Pop respectively) while Red Wagon, Foul Balls, and 8 Balls never released anything else.